So … we went a bit crazy with our markdowns. Black Friday deals like never before.

Grab these Black Friday deals now


SAGE Professional Bundle [8 Training Videos]

With SAGE Professional Bundle which contains  [8 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Set-up any of the Sage Packages as a professional
2.You will be able to Install the software and activate it on Sage Server
3.You will be able to configure any of the Sage Package to suit the business or company
4.You will become a Sage Expert within 3 days or less
5.You will be able to Implement any of the packages either as a full-time/part-time consultant
6.You will be able to train and give advice on the best use of Sage.
7.Earn extra income which is the only way to sustain this inflationary economy
8. Host of other amazing benefits
  1. Sage50 Advanced =₦20,000:00

  2. Sage50 Essential =₦20,000:00

  3. Sage One Online=₦15,000:00

  4.  Sage 300  =₦20000:00

  5. Sage Pastel Advanced=₦20,000:00

  6.  Sage Pastel Essential  =₦20000:00

  7. Sage50c Advanced=₦20,000:00

  8.  Sage50c Essential  =₦20000:00

Plus: Working and Practicing Files, Templates etc

TOTAL = N155,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦77,500:00

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

QUICKBOOKS  Specialist Bundle [4 Training Videos]

With QuickBooks Specialist Bundle which contains  [4 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Set-up any of the QuickBooks Packages as a professional for any industry
2.You will be able to Install the software and activate it on QuickBooks Server
3.You will be able to configure any of the QuickBooks Packages to suit the business or company
4.You will become a QuickBooks Expert within 3 days or less and you will also be able to recommend the best package that best suit the company.
5.You will be able to Implement any of the packages either as a full-time/part-time consultant
6.You will be able to train and give advice on the best use of QuicksBooks.
7.Earn extra income which is the only way to sustain this inflationary economy
8. Host of other amazing benefits
  1. Quickbooks Advanced =₦20,000:00

  2. Quickbooks Essential =₦20,000:00

  3. Quickbooks Online=₦15,000:00

  4.  Quickbooks POS =₦20000:00

Plus: Working and Practicing Files, Templates etc

TOTAL = N75,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦37,500:00

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Ms Office Wizard Bundle [6 Training Videos]

With MS Office Wizard Bundle which contains  [6 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Use MS office as an expert
2.You will be able to present your report in an outstanding presentation
3.You will be noticed easily because of your unique style and methods of presentation.
4.With Package like Advanced Excel, formulae, Vlook up, Macros won't be your problem and you will be well respected, appreciated and become almost indispensable.
5.When it boils down to presentation, your will absolutely standout and also you will be able to lock any of your document.
6.You will be able to train other on how to best navigate around MS office
7.Navigate and explore windows which goes beyond just using your laptop
8. Creation of customer data base and Host of other amazing benefits
  1. Microsoft Advanced Excel =₦20,000:00

  2. Microsoft Essential Excel =₦20,000:00

  3. Microsoft PowerPoint =₦15,000:00

  4.  Microsoft Access =₦15000:00

  5. Microsoft Word =₦15,000:00

  6. Computer Appreciation =₦10,450:00

Plus: Working and Practicing Files, Templates etc

TOTAL = N95,450

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦47,725

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Data Analyst Bundle  [4 Video Training]

  1. Microsoft Advanced Excel =₦20,000:00

  2. Microsoft Essential Excel =₦20,000:00

  3. Financial Modelling =₦21,450:00

  4. Business Plan and Feasibility Study =₦17,000:00

Plus: Adv+Ess Excel Practicing Files, FM + Biz Plan Templates, Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N78, 450

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦39,225

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Financial Consultant in a Box Bundle [5 Video Training]

With Financial Consultant in a Box Bundle which contains  [5 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Set-up any of the QuickBooks, Sage50, Tally Packages. You will not be limited to just one aspect. This gives you an opportunity to become an outsourced accountant.
2.You will be able to Install the software and activate it on the respective Server
3.You will be able to configure any of the software to suit the business or company
4.You will become a Financial Consultant within 3 days or less and you will also be able to recommend the best software that best suit the company.
5.You will be able to Implement and configure any of the packages either as a full-time/part-time consultant
6.You will be able to train and give advice on the best use of the softwares
7.Earn extra income which is the only way to sustain this inflationary economy
8. Host of other amazing benefits
  1. Sage50 Essential =₦20,000:00

  2.  QuickBooks Essential =₦20,000:00

  3. Tally ERP.9 =₦20,000:00

  4. Microsoft Advanced Excel =₦20,000:00

  5. Microsoft Essential Excel =₦20,000:00

Plus: Advanced Excel Practicing Files, Templates, Simplified Manual, Accounting Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N100,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦50,000

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Cloud Accounting Specialist Bundle [4 Video Training]

After the Advent of Covid-19, it changed the way several businesses operation where accountants are granted access to work from home or any where in the world. So, if you are in a company with multi-location, becoming an expert in Cloud Accounting is compulsory. The Clouding Accounting Bundle which contains  [4 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Set-up any of the cloud accounting Software irrespective of the nature of the business
2.You will not be limited to just one aspect but be versatile
This gives you an opportunity to become an outsourced accountant.
3.You will be able to Install the software and activate it on the respective Server
4. You will be able to map the users
5.You will be able to configure any of the software to suit the business or company
6.You will become a Cloud Accounting Specialist within 3 days or less and you will also be able to recommend the best software that best suit the company.
7.You will be able to Implement and configure any of the packages either as a full-time/part-time consultant
8.You will be able to train and give advice on the best use of the softwares
9.Earn extra income which is the only way to sustain this inflationary economy
10. Host of other amazing benefits
  1. QuickBooks Online =₦17,000:00

  2. Sage One Cloud =₦15,000:00

  3. Xero Cloud=₦15,000:00

  4. Sage50 Cloud=₦20,000:00

Plus: 30 Days FREE Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N67,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦33,500

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Enterprise Wizard with SAP FICO Bundle  [4 Video Training]

If you currently work with a multi-national or you dream to work with a multinational, then Enterprise Wizard with SAP FICO is compulsory for you to master. This Bundle which contains  [5 Training Videos], you will be able to 

1.Set-up any of the ERP Packages. You will not be limited to just one aspect. This gives you an opportunity to become an outsourced accountant.
2.You will be able to Install the software and activate it on the respective Server
3.You will be very versatile than your colleagues because you will understand beyond the company's limited task
4.You will be able to configure any of the software to suit the business or company
5.You will become an ERP Expert in 3 days or less and you will also be able to recommend the best software that best suit the company.
6.You will be able to Implement and configure any of the packages either as a full-time/part-time consultant
7.You will be able to train and give advice on the best use of the softwares to the management with confidence.
8.You will be able to demand for your true value
9.You will earn fat salary scale because of the value that you have added to yourself
10.Earn extra income which is the only way to sustain this inflationary economy
11. Host of other amazing benefits
  1. SAP FICO =₦20,750:00

  2. Sage Pastel Essential[Beg+Intermediate] =₦20,000:00

  3. Navision Essential [Beg+Intermediate]=₦20,000:00

  4.  Sage 300 Essential [Beg+Intermediate]=₦20,000:00

Plus: Simplified Manual, FREE Accounting Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N80, 750

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦40,375

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Audit Consultant in a Box Bundle [3 Video Training]

As you know that there are different areas in accounting. So, if you specialize in Auditing and you don't know how to use any of the below packages then you are leaving your chances of triumphing in your field of expertise to whims and caprices of life (inevitable change) which can never be in your favour. Hence get started now with your Audit Consultant in a Box Bundle.
  1. CISA =₦30,000:00

  2. ActiveData =₦20,000:00

  3. Audit Command Lang [ACL] =₦15,000:00

Plus: FREE Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N65,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦32,500

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Business Project Expert Bundle [ 4 Video Training]

When it boils down to preparing a projection of cashflow and P/L account in a simplified way for your client's investors to make their positive decision easy and fast, then Business Project Bundle is exact package that will help you stand out either as a consultant, business owner or employee.
  1. Microsoft Advanced Excel =₦20,000:00

  2. Microsoft Essential Excel =₦20,000:00

  3. Microsoft Project Essentials=₦20,000:00

  4.  Financial Modelling =₦21,450:00

Plus: Advanced Excel Practicing Files, FM Templates, MS Project Software for Practice etc

TOTAL = N81, 450

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦40,725

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Professional Presentation Bundle [ 3 Video Training]

Whether you are at the lower or high cadre, perception matters a lot here. That is, when presenting to either your direct Boss or management, your style and methods of presentation must be factual and unique. So, the Professional presentation bundle is the exact bundle that will assist you look unique and outstanding. Hence get starting with this bundle starting from your next presentation and beyond.
  1. Business Plan =₦17,500:00

  2. Course Work =₦15,000:00

  3. Microsoft PowerPoint =₦15,000:00

Plus: FREE Biz Plan Templates, Real Life Demo Project / Dissertation Samples

TOTAL = N47,500

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦23,750

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Web Design and Graphics Pro Bundle [3 Video Training]

  1. Web Design (WP) =₦15,000:00

  2. Corel Draw=₦15,000:00

  3. Adobe Photoshop =₦15,000:00

TOTAL = N45,000

Black Friday Massive Discount Price=₦22,500

order now

Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos FREE. Other States N3,500.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.

Additionally, you will get the following:

  1. Software for All the Video Training to Practice with.
  2. Simplified Manual that guides you on how to post and deal with your day-to-day business transactions on All the Accounting Software.

After going thru some lectures in Advanced Excel Video training, I have used d knowledge to design templates for the operations of two cooperative societies in my school. And have gotten a stronger attention of my Bursar and my colleagues that they just believed I can handle any excel problem. Thanks to PlatinumGold.

Akio Princewill
Akio Princewill Bursary Dept- Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State.

After leaving my previous job in January 2016, I got 4 of your Video Training including Sage50 & QuickBooks. Currently, I set up accounting systems for small businesses. As at April 2017, I have earned over N1.2m from that initial investment.

Thank you PlatinumGold.

Dotun Balogun,ACA
Dotun Balogun,ACA Lead Consultant- DTB Accounting Services, Isolo Lagos.

What these Comprehensive Made-in-Nigeria Video Training Can do for You

You will be well prepared for various opportunities that present itself. Here are some of the benefits you will be entitled to when you get the comprehensive personal development super pack videos today.

  • Become an expert in accounting and other software within 3 days.
  • Earn more income by providing Accounting Services for SMEs.
  • Out-perform your fellow job contestants and perform better on the job by delivering results.
  • Never miss out again; the videos make you maximize future opportunities.
  • You can use the videos to train your staff to achieve faster result and Be better equipped and productive.
  • Recoup your investment on these videos many times over by starting your own training school and training others.
  • You can learn these skills to get a better job.
  • Get promoted at work for your expertise.
  • You'll Get Certificate of Completion after the Training

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your order. DHL Courier delivery within Lagos is 1-2 working days,

Outside Lagos is within 3-5 working days

So, Don't Delay; Act Now 

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Order Now & Pay into: PlatinumGold 360 Solutions GTB Account # 0263333393. Add Courier Delivery Cost Lagos N1,000. Other States N4,000.

After payment, please text your full name, The Product Category you are buying, day and month of birth (e.g June 1st) and your email address to: Vivian 08090820787, or Mercy 08082366372.

If You Miss Out of Your Next Opportunities (Because of Your Refusal To Act Today), You will Continue to Blame Yourself.